Ever wonder how credit card companies make money from both customers and merchants using the same line of credit? They charge interest to customers while also charging merchants for accepting payments. This genius system creates multiple streams of revenue from a single product.
But what if you could apply the same strategy to your own business, specifically when it comes to content creation?
Let’s dive into how this mindset of “double dipping” can turn customer support into an asset, using a concept called Customer Support Video Products.
The Power of Leveraging Customer Support for Content Creation
When customers have a question, your instinct may be to respond with a detailed explanation. But what if, instead of simply answering the question once, you could turn that interaction into a reusable piece of content?
This is where Customer Support Video Products come into play. The next time someone asks you a question, instead of writing a lengthy blog post, record a video addressing their query. Make sure you don’t mention their name or any specific details, so it can be reused in the future.
Now, you’ve not only solved a customer’s problem but created a piece of content you can offer to others facing the same issue. This approach turns a single act of customer support into a long-lasting digital product.
Why “Double Dipping” Works
This strategy gives you a two-fold advantage:
- Increased Efficiency: You’re already spending time answering customer queries, so why not use that effort to create a product you can resell?
- Building a Content Library: Each time you create one of these videos, you’re growing your digital content library. Over time, you’ll have a catalog of resources available to solve various customer problems.
It’s essentially the equivalent of getting paid twice for the same work.
How to Create Customer Support Video Products
Here’s how to implement this strategy step-by-step:
- Identify Frequently Asked Questions: Start by taking note of the questions customers frequently ask. If you don’t have customers yet, do some research on common queries in your niche. A tool like ChatGPT can help with this.
- Create a Generalized Response: When responding to customer questions, don’t tailor your answer specifically to them. Instead, keep it broad enough that others with the same question can also benefit.
- Record a Video: Use screen-recording software or a camera to show exactly how to solve the issue. Remember, people often prefer to see solutions rather than just read about them. This makes your content more engaging and valuable.
- Divide the Content: Once you’ve recorded your video, you can break it down into shorter modules or lessons. For example, a 20-minute video can easily be split into four five-minute segments.
- Package and Sell: Once your video is created, package it as a course, a tutorial, or even a downloadable product. You’ve just turned a simple customer support task into a valuable asset.
When You Don’t Have Customers Yet
If you’re just starting out and don’t have any customer queries to work with, don’t worry. You can still create these valuable content pieces. Here are two approaches:
- Research FAQs: Browse forums, social media, or use tools like Google’s People Also Ask to find common questions in your niche.
- Leverage AI: Use tools like ChatGPT to generate frequently asked questions and provide guidance on crafting your video responses.
This way, you’re prepared with a backlog of content, even before the questions start pouring in.
The Risks of Going Too Niche
While this approach can be incredibly effective, be careful not to fall into the trap of addressing overly niche questions. Some topics might be too specific and may not appeal to a broad audience. If you find yourself creating a product that’s only relevant to a handful of people, reconsider if it’s worth the effort. However, sometimes those niche topics can unexpectedly resonate with a larger audience, so don’t write them off entirely.
Wrapping It Up
Turning customer support into digital products is a smart, time-saving strategy for any business. By “double dipping,” you maximize the value of every interaction, build a library of content, and establish yourself as an authority in your niche.
As you build out your content library, stay tuned for future blog posts where we’ll explore more efficient product creation strategies. Remember, the goal here is not just to create more products, but to create products that will help you work smarter, not harder.
This strategy helps you double dip your efforts and transform customer support into a sustainable, long-term digital asset. Keep building, and you’ll be reaping the benefits for years to come.
As always feel free to leave a comment, question or feedback.
Thanks for reading and Have a Great Day!
Chuck MacLellan